My Ultimate Marrickville Brewery Crawl

It’s been a month since I’ve moved from Sydney’s Inner West and the breweries are definitely in the top two things I miss about living there. My friends would be the first thing I miss but my favourite place to hang out with them is at a brewery so you can see why we have a top two scenario.

Marrickville (next door to where I lived in Dulwich Hill) has eight breweries and maybe a few more by the time I finish typing this sentence. I keep thinking there is no more room for another brewery to squeeze in but somehow there is always space. Sauce, Philter, Batch; we’re spoiled for choice, able to pick a venue based on what we feel like eating, what type of venue we want to sit in, what music we wanna listen to and, of course, what type of beer we want to drink.

Any of these breweries would make an amazing place to spend an afternoon but trying to have a beer or paddle at all of these destinations is something worth trying. Why you ask?

Well, a) you get to say you’ve done it, b) you’ll get tipsy while getting your step count up and c) you’ll learn a bit about your preferences when it comes to breweries. What beers do you favour, what type of vibe do you enjoy, how do you like to soak up the alcohol? These are all things you can learn while drinking beers in Australia’s best beer drinking suburb.

I was stoked when Crafty Pint asked me to update the Marrickville Crafty Crawl and was surprised to find there are three whole new breweries that needed to be added. I was able to write all of these from memory which maybe indicates it was a good idea for me to move. Maybe.

Read my Marrickville Crafty Crawl.


Benny is a Sydney-based travel, beer and comedy writer and founder of He has previously written for Time Out, Crafty Pint, AWOL, Junkee and like a really famous comedy page.

My Week Of Beers 24.04.23


The Teeny Sydney Brewery with Weird Beers That I Love