Everything You Need To Know About My New Show

My proudest and most laboured over project to date is finally hitting YouTube in just under a week; mine and Katie’s original travel series, Planned vs Rogue.

Original graphic by Struthless.

As you can see from the trailer, Planned vs Rogue is a competitive travel show hosted by me and my girlfriend/long time collaborator Katie Anne Morfoot. Unlike my previous series Reviewery of a Brewery and Benny Sent Ya!, Katie is sharing hosting duties with me as we represent our respective (and often clashing) styles of travel in some beautiful cities in Europe and beyond.

When is it coming out?

The first three episodes (yes, three) premiere on Wednesday February 28, 2024. After the initially premiere, a new episode will be coming out every second Wednesday.

Where can I watch Planned vs Rogue?

Simply by subscribing to us on YouTube or visiting plannedvsrogue.com.

To tide you over between episodes, we will have a lot of behind the scenes images, videos, tips, tidbits, articles, news and updates on our social media channels so please follow us there too!




What places do you visit?

We will be revealing the destinations about three days before each episodes come out but overall we currently have 11 episodes, ten of which were shot in Europe, western Europe primarily.

Because you’ve read this far I’ll give you a clue for the destination of the first three episodes; walls, fashion and a severed hand.

Also, if you were following Benny Sent Ya on Instagram last year you pretty much already know everywhere we went while filming.


Benny is a Sydney-based travel, beer and comedy writer and founder of bennysentya.com. He has previously written for Time Out, Crafty Pint, AWOL, Junkee and like a really famous comedy page.


Planned vs Rogue: Episode One, Berlin


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