So Your Friend Is Buying Fake Craft Beer

Have you ever had a friend share a craft beer with you only for you to awkwardly learn your friend has been tricked, swindled and otherwise hoodwinked?

The beer they thought was supporting an independent brewer is a large batch brew available Australia wide. I’m not talking about formerly craft brands that have been bought out like Balter, Stone & Wood or Feral, I’m talking about CUB or Lion posing as a small operation by mimicking craft beer artworks and style.

Brands such as Tinnies and Zythos (pictured) mimic the style of craft beers but are actually owned by Woolworths who don’t feel like adding their whole fresh food people schtick to these cans for some reason. Those who haven’t yet learnt to look for the independent label are tricked. Worse yet, they bring them around to your house sometimes because they know you like craft beer.

Yep, that sounds awkward. Do you tell them that they have been conned and risk sounding like a wanker and turn them off forever or do you grin, act excited and force yourself to drink an insincere beer?

Well I think I have the answer which I why I wrote about if for Crafty Pint in a series called Dr Benny’s Crafty Fixes.

Read my incredible answer to this horrible question here.


Benny is a Sydney-based travel, beer and comedy writer and founder of He has previously written for Time Out, Crafty Pint, AWOL, Junkee and like a really famous comedy page.

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