The Scientist Turned Brewer Who Made Me Feel Smart

Beereratne (pronounced Beir-e-rat-nah) is the independent brewing project of Ben Weereratne who works as a brewer at Hop Hen in Lilydale Victoria. Previously, he’s been a PhD candidate who was researching ethanol powered fuel cells which is great because usually it’s just talk about brewing that makes me feel out of my depth.

Serioulsy though, I spoke to Ben for half an hour and he’s a really nice guy who ran me through his brewing, working at two breweries at once and how brewing is the easy part in running a brewery.

Read all about it on Crafty Pint in this latest instalment of their Who Brews series.


Benny is a Sydney-based travel, beer and comedy writer and founder of He has previously written for Time Out, Crafty Pint, AWOL, Junkee and like a really famous comedy page.

Copy My Rogue Day In Berlin


Planned vs Rogue: Episode One, Berlin