We’re Halfway There (Update)

It’s official, Katie and I are officially halfway through our big trip across Europe, a journey inspired by two things; losing our apartment and shooting a new original travel series.

It is now July 31, we are in the French alps with our dear friends Tania and PY, and their little fella Joey. We have shot seven of a proposed 12 (maybe 13) episodes of our show and now have less time left on the road than we have completed.

In a way it is a relief and in another way I’m a little sad, even with so many good things to look forward to. I am however very happy with what we have achieved so far. We have released 21 original videos that have gotten thousands of total views, reviewed beers in 11 different cities, gotten over 1000 views on this website in July alone, written some pieces I’m really proud of and successfully worked together as a team, doing something we’ve dreamed about for years.

Also, and this is kind of petty but with this article I’ve now officially published more articles than a company I used to write for did I July but that’s just the sort of pettiness that powers me (not sure if I recommend it).

Thanks for following this journey, I am permanently grateful of the people who actually go to the places I recommend. A few people contacted me last month to say exactly that and it always makes my day.

Big cheers,



Benny is a Sydney-based travel, beer and comedy writer and founder of bennysentya.com. He has previously written for Time Out, Crafty Pint, AWOL, Junkee and like a really famous comedy page.


Why You Should Cook Dinner While Travelling


My Munich Week In Beers 27.06.23