Why My Local Bottleo Is Better Than Yours

The people who work at your local bottleo have a more honest assessment of how you drink than any medical professional, no matter how doubtful their stare. With that logic in mind, it’s probably a good idea to be friends with the people at your local bottleo. Luckily, I’m not only friendly with the people at my local bottleo but it’s also a really great place to get beer.

At the time of writing, I’m based in Glenbrook in the lower Blue Mountains which is home to a few good cafes and an increasing amount of tourists weirdly. It’s also home to Murray’s Porters Liquor who have an awesome range of craft beer (along with other alcohols if that’s your thing).

I interviewed the Murray’s team for a listing on The Crafty Pint and found them really chill for people who care so much about craft beer. Their head of beer buying is a fella named Ben who I was in two plays with when I was a teenager, once playing lovers that tried to kiss through a wall in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, so yeah, I’m friendly with the staff. And Ben knows what just what he’s doing.

Favourite breweries of mine in their range include the latest Beers by Bacchus, La Sirene, Akasha, Two Mates and tall expensive cans from US joint, The Bruery. They also have a growler station where you can stock up on the latest from local breweries such as Brew Mountains. Indeed, the local range is strong with Mountain Culture also having a big presence on the shelf.

Often I’ve gotten a mixed six pack from these guys (which gets you 10% off the total) for having a fun tasting, and I’ve also received it as a gift a few times. It’s a lot of fun to pick, possibly more fun than actually drinking the beers.

They also have a venue in East Blaxland and Warimoo, the later of which I have stopped at for a last minute present many a time.

You can read my full write up/interview on The Crafty Pint.


Benny is a Sydney-based travel, beer and comedy writer and founder of bennysentya.com. He has previously written for Time Out, Crafty Pint, AWOL, Junkee and like a really famous comedy page.


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